Upcoming Poi Dancing Events

See the world, while meeting great people, doing something you love!

Leviathan Poi Retreat: June 15-22 / 22-29, 2019

Poi spinning at the most beautiful dance studio ever.

TADAH Artist Habitat

TADAH Artist Habitat is awesome, and so were the people who came to play poi with us! 🙂

Europe Tour is Over!

After visiting friends around Europe for months, I have settled for a few weeks at TADAH Artist Habitat!

The Playpoi Guide to Performance and Video Awesomeness!

What makes a performance or video awesome cannot be entirely distilled into an objective system. The following is an exploration of the elements that make performances awesome:

Swiss Poi and Yoga Retreat 2016

The Swiss Retreat was lovely once again!

Fire photo shoot

We went to the now-famous Pai Canyon for a late night photo shoot…

Thailand Adventures

I asked several poi spinners if they would come to Thailand with me, and they did!

European Poi Tour 2006!

My trip to Europe turned into quite a poi adventure!