There has been such a flourishing of poi and flow events around the world, and along with them a flourishing of flow artists. Thanks Smilie for making this video!
Amazingly this is Katya’s first video! Definite Wome of Tech Poi submission material! I also like the choices with the videography, some very cool angles working with the archtecture.
In this video Elizabeth shows off some inspiring work with rhythm, dance, and poi control.
One of the perks for the Playpoi Indiegogo Campaign was “Pick a music track and we’ll make a poi video with it!” This is the first such video! Sending out...
Franziska Neuhaus has been doing great work combining the arts of poi and cinematography, and it’s high time to showcase more of her work on Playpoi! Below are two videos...
There’s been such a lovely roll of videos lately that combine poi spinning with dance. keep them coming!
I’ve never met Lily but people keep sending me videos. Nice work Lily!
Jonathan was our special guest at the Costa Rica Poi Camp. He was so much fun to have around!
This was shot very spontaneously on January 9th, 2014, with music by OCNO. It’s the first time I’ve just played with the Visual Poi for fun. It’s all super experimental and...