It’s easy to get started playing poi with our beginner guide! Poi are easy to make: you just need weights on tethers. There are many ways to make poi at home....
Tens of thousands of people have learned poi through our free beginner series, shot in Bali in 2010. If you like it so far, consider Nick’s step-by-step Learn and Master the...
You’re on a roll! Week three includes poi over the head, backwards 3-beat weave, and linking the reels into the pattern “chase the sun!” Where next? Continue to Week Four...
Week Four of our free poi beginner series includes corkscrew, whirling with the reels, linking the weaves, threading the needle with butterfly, and more! You can do it! When you’re...
Week Five includes linking weaves and windmills, split-time butterfly, turning with butterfly, and The Fountain. When you’re done, continue to Week Six of our free beginner series, or check out Nick’s...
The last “week” of our poi beginner series includes linking weaves and butterflies, turning freely with split-time opposites, and tips for going beyond the basics! Where to go from here?...
This poi spinning teaching/learning tip can be applied to any move or skill, beginner or advanced. Need poi? We recommend Super-Sockies for beginners, Pendulum Flex Poi for tosses, and PodPoi...
Hip reels and shoulder reels are a great example of patterns that work better as you relax and do less. Let the turning of your body do the work! And...
Sometimes the key to learning moves effectively is to start with the end, and build the sequence backwards. Try this the next time you show somebody hip reels and you’ll...